Quick Takes: Content Marketing and Media News for 1/16/18

Media Crackle will rebrand itself as “Sony Crackle” because, according to the story, the company wants to leverage the power of the Sony name. That’s code for “the person who kept insisting it didn’t need to be corporately branded is no longer with the company and so someone finally got their way.” CBS and Viacom…… Continue reading Quick Takes: Content Marketing and Media News for 1/16/18

Video is Everywhere, But Time and Money are Finite

Last week the news outlet Mic became the latest player to join the trend of laying off staff as part of a (clears throat) pivot to video. [genuflects] As Peter Kafka notes at Recode, there are a few common factors publishers cite when doing so, the biggest being the desire to tap into the pool…… Continue reading Video is Everywhere, But Time and Money are Finite

Picking Up the Spare: Truth

CBS made news when it was revealed they were rejecting ads promoting Truth. Given the subject matter of the movie that shouldn’t have been that surprising, especially considering how much fuel CBS has burnt up in the last few weeks calling out the movie’s inaccuracies.