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Instagram Goes Algorithmic

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My latest on Voce Nation:

By now you’ve probably seen the news that Instagram will be following the lead of parent company Facebook and introducing an algorithmic feed designed to surface what it feels are the most relevant photos your friends have shared and show those to you. This would kick to the curb the unfiltered stream that’s been in place to date and, as with all automated feeds, presumes it will know better than you what you’re going to be interested in.

The announcement post points out people miss 70% of what’s posted because they’re not looking at the app within the timeframe that would show them those pictures. So if you’re looking at Instagram for five minutes every couple hours you can only scroll back so far, with the rest falling like the proverbial tree in the forest and leaving you to later explain why you didn’t ::heart:: Caitlin’s picture of her Yorky sitting next to a frappuccino because come on, adorbs!

Source: Instagram Wants to Show You What It Feels Is Important To You « Voce Communications


One thought on “Instagram Goes Algorithmic

  1. +COUGH+ Yet another reason why people should dump Instagram and head back to flickr.

    Posted by Matt Maldre | March 17, 2016, 9:26 am

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