Movie Marketing Madness: Keeping Up With the Joneses

Jeff and Karen Gaffney (Zach Galifianakis and Isla Fisher) lead a normal, boring suburban life when we meet them in Keeping Up With the Joneses, the new comedy from director Greg Mottola. They have kids and are safely ensconced in their routine, with very few surprises or bumps in the road. That changes when a … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Keeping Up With the Joneses

Selling Wedding Crashers

I’ve written before in various places of my belief that the comedy clique the stars of this movie are part of may be unprecedented in movie history. Don’t get me wrong, no one’s ever going to replace the Ritz Brothers, Marx Brothers, Abbot & Costello, Arbuckle and Keaton, etc. I mean the overall quality and … Continue reading Selling Wedding Crashers