Key Art Key Changes: Kubo, Hell or High Water, War Dogs and More

Reaching an audience in the home video market is much different than reaching the theatrical audience. That often means the key art that’s used for home video releases is changed significantly from the one-sheets that were available during the theatrical marketing cycle. What I’m going to try and do is see what those changes are … Continue reading Key Art Key Changes: Kubo, Hell or High Water, War Dogs and More

MMM Recap: Week of 8/19/16 New Releases

Kubo and the Two Strings What the marketing campaign is selling is nothing that’s all that dissimilar from any movie put out by Pixar or another animation studio in…well…forever. It’s a twist on a story that’s been told time and time again for millennia, about a young person going on a quest of self-discovery. That comes … Continue reading MMM Recap: Week of 8/19/16 New Releases