Chris Thilk

PNConnect Weekly Reading 1/7/16


Make sure to get your regular recap of the best stories from the past week in today’s PNConnect Weekly Reading:

Twitter Considering 10,000-Character Limit for Tweets

(Recode, 1/5/16)

PNConnect Insight – So…yeah. There’s been a lot of speculation about whether Twitter wants to host content a la Facebook Notes and Instant Articles. That would likely further devalue links to outside material, which used to be the foundation of the Web. And it’s hard to see how this would actually boost new user adoption, since it’s not like people lack options for long-form outlets. Tumblr, Medium and LinkedIn all allow long-form publishing and have social network sharing baked in — plus there are platforms like WordPress and SquareSpace. All this is conjecture based on what Twitter *might* do, and the final changes could be different from what’s in Recode’s report, but it’s another sign that these networks are always changing, usually in ways that most clearly benefit the networks themselves, not necessarily their users. Read more on the Voce Nation blog.

Source: PNConnect Weekly Reading 1/7/16: 140 Characters Can’t Contain Our Love | PNConnect | Digital Marketing Services from Porter Novelli

