Chris Thilk

Two (More) Years of Movie Marketing


It’s been two years since I decided to relaunch regular posts about the world of movie marketing. Two years since I committed to doing this again after having taken almost three years off from doing so.

When I did so I was still employed full-time but thought my workload made maintaining marketing recaps as an ongoing feature feasible. That situation has obviously changed – I’m now freelancing full-time while also working a part-time retail job – but the overall workload hasn’t actually changed significantly. It’s just shifted to a different schedule, one that’s both more flexible and far less-so.

Part of the desire to restart what was then called Movie Marketing Madness but which has evolved into Cinematic Slant was that I felt there still wasn’t anyone providing any critical analysis of movie marketing. Just as in 2004 when I started this whole journey, lots of people (more than ever before) post and write about trailers and posters and other elements, but no one’s looking at it all with a marketer’s eye. That continues to be something unique I bring to the conversation.

Here’s to two more years and many more after that.

Chris Thilk is a freelance writer and content strategist who lives in the Chicago suburbs.

