Movie Marketing Madness: The Art of Getting By

Sometimes the best laid plans we have for our lives can be interrupted by the sudden appearance of just one variable. In some cases that’s a person in others it’s a choice between one path and the other but in each case there’s the distinct possibility that whatever we had planned and however we thought … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The Art of Getting By

Movie Marketing Madness: Submarine

We’re all just a collection of our various learned and inherited quirks, aren’t we? We react this way or that to whatever situation we find ourselves in based on how we’ve been taught through one means or another to react. Sometimes that’s in what are deemed socially acceptable ways and other times it’s not so … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Submarine

Movie Marketing Madness: Midnight in Paris

When someone begins acting strangely out of character it’s easy to suspect the worst. Certainly in the movies anytime someone starts going out in the evenings with some vague explanation of where they’re heading the spouse or significant other will begin to suspect that person is having an affair or engaging in some sort of … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Midnight in Paris

Movie Marketing Madness: Super

Last year movie audiences were treated to a post-modern take-down/indictment of the super hero conceit in the form of Kick-Ass. Based on the popular Mark Millar graphic novel of the same name the story there was about a high school student and other societal outcasts who decided that heroes didn’t need to just exist in … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Super

Movie Marketing Madness: Source Code

If you watch enough police or other sorts of procedural shows you'll inevitably see a couple of folks sitting down over a computer or TV to review footage pulled from a surveillance camera at the crime scene or other place of interest. They're looking for clues to the crime, trying to reconstruct what happened, verify … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Source Code

Movie Marketing Madness: Rubber

Evil, in the movies, comes in all shapes and sizes. You have the cultured, polite exceptional that is Hans Gruber, the emotionless compressed-air toting Anton Chigurh, the rampaging monsters of B-movie films from the 1950s and everything inbetween. Some don’t consider themselves evil even as they continue to oppress or terrorize the people around them … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Rubber

Movie Marketing Madness: Sucker Punch

By now any serious aficionado of science-fiction/fantasy will acknowledge that even if they wouldn’t rank “Buffy, the Vampire Slayer” as the best example of using metaphorical demons to represent real life struggles it certainly belongs near the top of that list. Even if you’re among those who feel the high-quality declined somewhat in Seasons 6 … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Sucker Punch