Movie Marketing Madness: The Mummy

Universal is trying once more to revitalize its catalog of classic monsters with this week’s The Mummy. No, this isn’t a straight reboot of the 90’s film series starring Brendan Frasier and eventually The Rock. It’s a new story starring Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe and others that brings the franchise into the present day and … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The Mummy

Revisit the Trailers for Tom Cruise’s Action Movie Forays

It might be hard to believe among Millennials who have grown up with post-2000 Tom Cruise, but he wasn't always an action star. In fact, if you look at his pre-turn-of-the-century filmography you'll find mostly comedies and dramas. The closest he came to "action" were Top Gun, Mission: Impossible and Days of Thunder, but even … Continue reading Revisit the Trailers for Tom Cruise’s Action Movie Forays

Movie Marketing Madness: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Jack Reacher, the former military operative who’s incredibly skilled at just about everything and always seems to reluctantly be in the middle of one sort of tough spot or another, is back in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back. The title character, played by Tom Cruise, proved more popular than expected in the first 2012 movie, … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back