Brand Ryan Reynolds

My latest contribution to Adweek is a look at how a promotion for Detective Pikachu fits right in with everything else Ryan Reynolds has done over the last two years. Ryan Reynolds has a strong public persona, an immediately identifiable personal brand—dry, egotistical, quick-witted and slightly oblivious—that he has unleashed on his audiences to promote … Continue reading Brand Ryan Reynolds

Movie Marketing Madness: Life

We’re heading back to space with this week’s new release Life. The movie, starring Rebecca Ferguson, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds and others, follows a crew of six astronauts aboard the International Space Station. That crew has a very specific mission: Retrieve a probe that’s on a return mission from Mars with the first sample of … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Life

That Deadpool Back-and-Forth Could Only Happen on Twitter

Twitter continues, as a company, to suffer under the delusion that it’s a mass-audience tool. We’re told over and over again that it’s “too complicated” and difficult for people to get their heads around, which is why new user acquisition is so stagnant and the company keeps tripping over itself to add or change features … Continue reading That Deadpool Back-and-Forth Could Only Happen on Twitter

Movie Marketing Madness: Deadpool

Want to get Movie Marketing Madness via email? Sign up here. Then connect with MMM on Twitter and Facebook. Look, we’re not wanting for super hero movies these days. Since 2000’s X-Men but especially since 2008’s Iron Man we’re more or less drowning in them each year. The trend is so pervasive that inside of … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Deadpool