Movie Marketing Madness: La La Land

Hollywood loves stories about Los Angeles. There are countless movies about the city and the entertainment industry that always wind up being big hits with the those in the business and critics. Joining that list this week is La La Land, the new movie from writer/director Damien Chazelle (Whiplash) and starring the ridiculously good-looking pair…… Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: La La Land

Movie Marketing Madness: The Nice Guys

Want to get Movie Marketing Madness via email? Sign up here. Then connect with MMM on Twitter and Facebook. Can I confess something? I’ve been watching a lot of “The Rockford Files” episodes lately. The show is perfect for Sunday night catching up on RSS and email for its light attitude, lack of binding narrative…… Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The Nice Guys

Movie Marketing Madness: The Big Short

There are always smarter people than you in the room. Always someone better informed, someone who can see the angles in a situation more clearly than you and figure a way to take advantage of those angeles. That’s not false humility or low self-esteem talking. It’s a survival mechanism. If you assume people are smarter…… Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The Big Short