Movie Marketing Madness: Captain America: Civil War

Want to get Movie Marketing Madness via email? Sign up here. Then connect with MMM on Twitter and Facebook. One of the central conceits of most superhero stories is that no one talks to each other. Most issues could be addressed simply if X asked Y why they were acting like that the other day … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Captain America: Civil War

That Deadpool Back-and-Forth Could Only Happen on Twitter

Twitter continues, as a company, to suffer under the delusion that it’s a mass-audience tool. We’re told over and over again that it’s “too complicated” and difficult for people to get their heads around, which is why new user acquisition is so stagnant and the company keeps tripping over itself to add or change features … Continue reading That Deadpool Back-and-Forth Could Only Happen on Twitter

Selling The Fantastic Four

This summer, the breasts of Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears team up in "The Fantastic Four"No? How about this one: This summer, the only men who didn’t say “shit!” when they read Jennifer Garner was schtuping Ben Affleck are The Fantastic Four. In actuality, "The Fantastic Four" is the latest attempt by Marvel Comics to … Continue reading Selling The Fantastic Four