Key Art, Key Changes: Arrival, Billy Lynn, Edge of Seventeen, Bleed for This

Reaching an audience in the home video market is much different than reaching the theatrical audience. That often means the key art that’s used for home video releases is changed significantly from the one-sheets that were available during the theatrical marketing cycle. What I’m going to try and do is see what those changes are … Continue reading Key Art, Key Changes: Arrival, Billy Lynn, Edge of Seventeen, Bleed for This

MMM Recap: Week of 11/18 New Releases

Bleed For This I wish I just felt a little more life coming from this campaign. It’s so focused on creating and sharing inspirational moments that there doesn’t seem to be anything else going on. There’s surely quite a story to be told here and some of that does come through but the marketing doesn’t … Continue reading MMM Recap: Week of 11/18 New Releases

Movie Marketing Madness: Bleed For This

This week’s new release Bleed For This is the second boxing movie based on a true story to come out in the last few months, following the under-performing Hands of Stone, which came out just this past August. This one, though, amps up the drama with its story of a fighter who overcomes the odds … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: Bleed For This