Chris Thilk

Everyday Inspiration – Wrapping Up

(NOTE: I consider myself a good writer, but good only gets better by practice. So I’ve signed up for the WordPress Everyday Inspiration schedule to prompt me to write something different every day. This is the result of today’s nudge.)

So, my friends, we’ve come to the end of the road. A few weeks ago I signed up for WordPress’s Everyday Inspiration prompts to try and get myself out of a bit of a writing rut and continue to expand the kinds of things I felt comfortable talking and writing about. It was motivated by recently reading Writing Down the Bones, a recommendation from my friend and colleague Dave Coustan, which got me thinking in new and interesting ways and spurred a lot of writing on my part, some of which has been seen here and some which has remained private.

What’s next? Well, I kind of like this daily prompt thing. While this might be coming to an end I plan to keep up as best I can with the Daily Post prompts that also come via WordPress. Sometimes those spur journal or memoir type posts, sometimes it’s short fiction. Whatever the case, I like this little nudge that comes that says “write about this if you can.” I may not be 100% with those but I like how they fit in the overall flow of things, at least for the moment. And they’re an opportunity to show off different capabilities in my writing arsenal, something that’s super-important for someone like me who’s trying to make a go of a freelance writing and consulting career.

I don’t know what the long-term future is here. If you visit the site you’ll see I’ve applied a new theme to better highlight my freelancing availability and with any luck I’ll have plenty of assignments coming in shortly while hopefully still having time to write here about the things that interest me. This likely won’t be easy, but nothing really is, so I’m game to give it a shot.