New from me on VoceNation:

I’m not usually the type to make resolutions. After all, as Bono said, nothing changes on New Year’s Day. But I also do enjoy a fresh set of downs and so set out to make 2016 a year I did a few things differently. So here, in no particular order, are a few things I’m working on over the next 12 months:

Source: My 2016 Resolutions: Chris Thilk « Voce Communications


  1. I read your blog post over on Voce. (i’m commenting here, because I like commenting here better). I’m looking forward to your personal writing. It’s great to hear you expanding your range of writing skills.

    I’m also not a big fiction book reader, but every now and then I try to pick up some fiction books. The greatest motivator in my reading more fiction was being part of a book club. I read non-fiction for the practical value it gives. The book club gave me more practical value in reading fiction. Plus, it got me to highlight passages more, and write notes in the margins, so I would have things to share in book club.

    Speaking of reading more, I’m curious… this might be a bit too personal…but I’m curious if you read the Bible frequently. I only ask, because I know you tweet about Christian things from time to time. I love being part of a Bible study group. It totally gets me reading the Bible more.

    Oh, and on the notebook front, I’d like to see you write a post about the various notebooks you’ve tried. I’ve been using the same exact system since about 2004–which I also need to write about.

  2. So I should have been more clear: My “personal” stuff will likely never see the light of day. I’ve long maintained a “no stuff about my family” policy here and am sticking to that for various reasons. That personal writing is being done just, basically, for my wife and I.

    As far as what I’m reading: I like to mix it up. I just finished two histories – one on the Pacific portion of WWII and one on Prohibition – and am about to start a novel. After that I’ll probably read a Star Wars book, then dive back into some non-fiction. I have a very low tolerance for books about the marketing industry and it really has to be of apparent and immediate value to even get my interest. That’s just me.

    The last isn’t too personal a question: It’s been a while since I did it but this year I’ve gotten back into daily Bible readings. Both the print ESV Bible and the ESV Bible app on my phone have “read the whole Bible in a year” outlines and I’m following that. I’m also going to try and reread the Lutheran Confessions this year and need to start in on a daily plan for that.

    A post about notebooks would be interesting. I’ll have to give that some thought…

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