(Note: This is cross-posted on christhilk.wordpress.com.)

Normally I shy away from any notion of New Year’s resolutions since I think if you need to wait until the new year to start losing weight, spending more time with your kids or learning how to play “Ol Susanna” on the electric fiddle, you’re likely to just be one of those people who just looks for reasons to put off until tomorrow what you should be doing today.

I know because I’m very much one of them.

That being said, I’ve got a list of goals I’d like to accomplish in 2008 that I’m going to make public because then I at least feel like someone’s going to hold me accountable for them. Keep in mind this is all public stuff, not private issues.

  • One of my favorite blog reads is Fimoculous by Rex Sorgatz. I’m looking to emulate his sort of posting structure (get in, be funny and get out all in the space of two or three sentences) on my personal, off-topic blog. There I’ll just be passing on stories I think are of interest to, primarily, me.
  • Also on CT, I’ve imported all my non-FilmThreat Movies on the Brain pieces to that site from its own since it was just sort of sitting there mocking me by not doing anything. This way at least they’re a subset of something larger. But I’m going to do something with the MOTB brand. Not sure what yet, but something.
  • Finally on CT, I’m going to start regularly blogging what movies I’m watching. This is in large part because I found I can have posts from there automatically show up on my Spout blog by just including the word “spout” in the post. That’s a site I’d like to start using more and this is a low-impact way to do just that and not dilute my online branding at the same time.
  • I’d love to build out and more consistently post on This Advertised Life to sort of make that a player in the space. Again, not sure how that’s going to fit into everything else, and some other things might have to fall out of/into place in order for that to happen, but you never know what the future holds. 
  • The first half of last year saw a drastic drop in full-length MMM
    . That was mostly due to the shutting down of AdJab and
    transitioning into writing for MarketingVox, which entailed learning some new styles and procedures. I’m going to try to not let that happen again. My goal is to reach Column #200 by the end of February, largely because that would coincide with the three year anniversary of MMM: The Blog, which would be kind of cool.
  • Around that time I’d also like to hit 1,000 RSS subscribers to MMM, which would be a major milestone. I’m right around 800 now and so I’ll be doing some shameless self-promotion around the web in order to hit that mark.

There are a couple other things that I’ve got in mind for 2008, but those will remain private for now. It’s been an interesting 2007, with opportunities arising that I never would have imagined, but 2008 is the year I’m determined to stop waiting for those things and to start making a few of them happen.

Until later,

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