• filmstrip2.jpgYou have to hand it to HBO. They’ve shown a great sense of humor by creating a trailer and website for Medellin, the fake movie who’s shoot has been a part of the plot of their series “Entourage.” The thing that kills me is that this is done completely straight-faced, not winking at the audience. If you didn’t know better you’d say this was a real movie.
  • I wish I knew what Andy Samberg was thinking in this New York Magazine profile piece. It reads to me like he’s sabotaging the marketing campaign for his new movie Hot Rod simply so he can appear to still be the meta-hip comedy outsider. In reality I think he just comes off as kind of schmuck who can’t stop with the irony long enough to not shoot himself in the foot.
  • Dear 20th Century Fox, We didn’t want to see your stupid movies anyway and are mostly upset you didn’t stop screening your movies for us before Fantastic Four 2. Regards, The Chicago Film Critics Association.
  • J.C. Penney used a combination of in-theater ads and flyer handouts after the movie that pointed to a website to break a new campaign geared at the early-bird back to school shopper.