• I’d be more excited about the L.A. Times move toward podcasting, but the fact is the podcast is the only part of the website there’s an RSS feed for. As my grandma used to say, come in or stay out but shut the damn door already.
  • Even more rational for Microsoft’s proposed shift away from the “RSS” moniker even as it finally embraces the technology. I never thought the term “internet” was all that explanatory but it surely didn’t make me afraid of it or hesitant to use it. Make no mistake that this is all about Gates & Co. trying to brand the technology as their own and not out of any philanthropic goal of pleasing the consumer.
  • Oh, and Google doesn’t really like the name RSS either.
  • I could not agree with Mike Manuel’s call for a mash-up of PR, Marketing and Advertising sensibilites if I tried. Without a fully rounded perspective of how to create and disseminate a message you’re lost.
  • Sometimes I too suffer from Irritable Male Syndrome.
  • Jeremy Pepper revisits his “Can Blogs Be Sued For Libel?” musings.
  • What is the future of podcasting?
  • Speaking of which, the Oxford English Dictionary has added “podcast
  • Always an important rule of thumb: Engage brain before hitting “Send”, especially if you’re trying to pitch something to an e-mail weary blogger.