Movie Marketing Madness: The Social Network

Believe it or not - and based on the extent to which issues surrounding it are discussed both amongst friends and colleagues but also in the press - there was a time where online social networking did not exist. Back in the dark days of 1999 there were no sites where one could upload photos, … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The Social Network

Movie Marketing Madness: The A-Team

Several weeks ago an elite commando unit was framed of a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped and were presumed dead. Today, still wanted by the government, they attempted to trade off the public buzz about another upcoming movie release based on much more well-known source material. If you have the hankering for … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The A-Team

Movie Marketing Madness: The Runaways

It's not just rock and roll that's all about attitude. Jazz, folk, classical...all kinds of music are about attitude, the conveying of an emotion or thought through notes. Personally, I get more emotionally into a James Taylor song or a Bach concerto than heavy metal, complete with head-banging in my car as I drive along … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: The Runaways

Movie Marketing Madness: (Untitled)

It goes without saying that the "serious" art world is and always has been one filled with healthy amounts of pretension. People take themselves seriously because they feel that what they're creating is unique and important and expresses something that is by turns extremely personal and extremely universal to the world. That serious, serious mindset, … Continue reading Movie Marketing Madness: (Untitled)